

Nutritional values of cooked white rice 100 grams are: 109 calories: 24 gr. protein; 242 gr. carbohydrates; 0 cholesterol; 01 gr. oil; 01 gr. fiber; 28 mgr. phosphorus; 10 mgr. calcium; 0.2 mgr. Iron; 374 mgr. sodium; 28 mgr. potassium; 0.02 mgr. B1 vitamin; 0.01 mgr. B2 vitamin and 0.4 m.gr. B3 vitamin.
Nutritional values of brown rice is higher than the higher than white. The nutritional value of 100 gr cooked brown rice is as follows: 282 calories; 36 gr. protein; 26.7 g. carbohydrates; 0 cholesterol; 3 L gr. 1.6 grams of fat. fiber; 94 mgr. phosphorus; 98 mgr. calcium; l mgr. Iron; 71 mgr. sodium; 177 mgr. potassium: 220 mgr. magnesium; 1.4 mgr. zinc; vitamin A 110 IU; 03 mgr. B1 vitamin; 004 mgr. B2 vitamin.
After comparing these values, consuming brown rice is more preferable.

Rice is the main food of half the people in the world, which, besides being a valuable nutrient;

1- Reduces high tension.

2-keep blood sugar levels steady. Rice intake provides a stable blood sugar level in the blood and an energy source. It is beneficial for the diabetic patient and prevent weight gaining.

3-Rice prevents formation of kidney stones. According to studies conducted in Japan in recent days demonstrated that consuming 10 grams of rice bran twice a day prevent to formation of kidney stones.

4-Rice reduces cancer risk thanks to its substance content. Taking rice bran would be sufficient for this.

5-In the diets applied for weight loss, it is observed that flaky skin areas which do not recover with last long medication and peeled because of psoriasis are cleaned.

6-The rice is the first alternative for the persons who are allergic to gluten in the bread.

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